Battle of Gettysburg Buff

A website for Civil War
buffs interested in the
Battle of Gettysburg

Home Page
Something Different
Off the Usual Path
Newer Topics
Odds and Ends
More Odds & Ends
Coming Down the Pike
For Children
Battle Walks
Side Trips
Books Worth Reading
Websites of Interest
About Me
Reference Map

      Welcome to my website for Battle of Gettysburg buffs, old and new. I have attempted to make it an interesting and somewhat different resource while still being fairly comprehensive in terms of topics and areas of interest. While making no claim to be the official, final, or totally comprehensive website (and really, could there really ever be one ???), I have tried to focus on the lesser known or visited areas and topics for those of you (and your family) who are interested in learning or doing more than the average visitor to the battlefield.
      Why? As a descendant of a Union soldier wounded at Gettysburg and fortunate enough to live only 30 miles away from the battlefield during my entire life, I have traversed various areas of the battlefield and town on my own or on "Battle Walks" conducted by National Park Service Rangers over 1,250 times, and yet I am still able to find new areas and topics to learn about and explore. That then, is the intent of this website --- to help provide you with new areas and topics to learn about and explore !!!
      You will also find more than 1,200 photographs and over 100 links scattered throughout my website, in addition to a page devoted to listing, in what I think is in an organized fashion, other websites of interest. I will continue to expand this website by adding pages, topics, photographs, and links, as well as updating information and photographs when necessary. Listed below is my "Table of Contents":

  Something Different - It seems that no matter
how many times I tour the battlefield, I can always find something different to see.

  Off the Usual Path - There are many places and
markers that are overlooked by visitors to the battlefield.

  Newer Topics - Among the topics on this page is the
newer visitor center and museum, which opened on April 14, 2008, and the restored
Cyclorama painting, which reopened on September 26, 2008.

  Odds and Ends - On this page, read about unusual
topics or facts, such as the fact that the remains of a Civil War soldier were found on the
the battlefield by two tourists in 1996, and were later reinterred in the Soldiers' National

  More Odds and Ends - Here you will find many more unusual topics and lesser known facts about the Gettysburg Campaign.

  Coming Down the Pike - Here you will find a list of
topics or stories I am working on. For example, archaeological "digs" are extremely rare
on the battlefield, and ones open to the public for a unique "hands-on" experience are
even rarer. Learn more about about this "once in a lifetime" opportunity.

  For Children - There are many places to visit and
fun things for children to do other than just taking the usual tour of the battlefield.

  Battle Walks - Here is my recommended list of the
National Park Service "Battle Walks" (and photo-reports on those I have taken) devoted
to a particular phase of the battle or an often overlooked area of the battlefield.

  Side Trips - Here are other nearby places you may want
to visit which also played a role in the Gettysburg Campaign and the Civil War.

  Books Worth Reading - Here is a list of the books and booklets I have read which I think are worth reading.
  Websites of Interest - In addition to the many links that
are located throughout my website, here is a selected list of just some of the thousands
of websites out there that deal to some degree with the battle.

I also have an About Me page, a Reference Map, and an Index.

The Newsletter page will tell you more about signing up for my free quarterly email newsletter!!!

I also now have a Facebook page which can be found at, so check it out !!!

I hope you enjoy my website and will come back often to see what's new !!!

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Copyright 2008. Randy Drais. All rights reserved.